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Closing ceremony of the XIII Sports meeting of the university staff


On May 29, 2013 in the sports complex of Stavropol State Agrarian University the Closing ceremony of the XIII Sports meeting of the university staff was held. The Festival of Sport was visited by the Honoured Master of Sports of the USSR, Honoured Coach of the USSR in sports acrobatics, the first world champion in acrobatics, vice-president of the trampoline jump Federation Vasily Skakun, Deputy Minister of Physical Culture and Sports Sergey Serikov, the head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Stavropol Administration Alex Kryzhanovsky, the chairman of Stavropol regional organization of labour union of agriculture workers Sergei Marnopolsky.

The university staff looked forward to sizing up the results of the XIII Sports meeting held at the university from January to May 2013. Rewarding of teams was conducted by the chief judge of the competition, the Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Vladimir Trukhachev. According to the results of the Sports meeting the 3rd place was taken by the team of the Faculty of Farm Mechanization, the 2nd place was taken by the team of the Faculty of Economics, and the winner was the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering. All the team-winners and laureates were presented a multifunctional training apparatus«HouseFit».

The results of the contest "The Healthiest Faculty and Department of Stavropol State Agrarian University" were also announced: the 1st place was shared between the team of the Agronomy Faculty and the team of the Electic Power Engineering Faculty, the 2nd place was taken by the team of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the 3rd place – the team of the Faculty of Economics.

The First place in the competition "The Healthiest Faculty and Department of Stavropol State Agrarian University" among the departments of the Teaching Process Control Department was taken by the Department of Physical Education and Sport, and among structural departments the winner was the student labour union and the Centre of Aesthetic Education of Students. As a gift they received four multifunctional training apparatus «HouseFit» and two wall bars.

The winners of international and national competitions, show-ballet "Millennium" and Vsevolod Fialkovsky possessing incredible strength and ductility performed an acrobatic composition for the guests. During his performance "Weightlessness" it seemed that the athlete isn’t affected by the force of gravity. He seemed to hover in the air.

The Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Trukhachev, summing up the results of the Sports Meeting said that our university is the most athletic in our krai, the university trains masters of sports, winners of the World Championships, Olympic champions, but the most important thing is that sport can unite both students and university staff and give excellent opportunities for communication. 

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