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Congratulations on the anniversary!


Dear Ludmila Nikolaevna!

We heartily congratulate you on your anniversary!

We appreciate your femininity and beauty, boundless charm, strength and consistency in the affairs!

Being a great scholar and a great teacher you have devoted all your life to science. Your exceptional talent and striving for continuous self-perfection show your creativity and professional skills.

You are known in our country and abroad as a prominent scientist, whose scientific activity is many-sided. It is closely connected with the study of fundamental and priority applied problems of nutritional physiology, morphophysiological development of photosynthetic activity, the formation of yield and grain quality of winter wheat. You were the first to develop methods of plant diagnostics which are used on the farms of Stavropol Territory, by scientific institutions and agrochemical department. Your works on adaptive resource and moisture saving technologies of grain crop cultivation using the techniques of the new generation are of great importance. You have greatly contributed to the development of scientific grounds of intensification of grain production in arid regions, the creation and introduction of the systems of the "dry" farming, basing adaptive-landscape systems of agriculture with environmentally safe agricultural technologies.

On this day, Dear Ludmila Nikolaevna, accept our sincere words of gratitude and admiration of your talent as a scientist, teacher, organizer and devotee of agricultural science, many years of diligent work, responsible attitude to your work and the charm of your personality! We are sure that your professionalism and insight into complex problems will allow you to solve successfully any tasks for Russia during many years!

We wish you boundless energy, good health, good spirits, optimism, cheerful mood. Let all your dreams, hopes and desires come true!

The Rector of Stavropol State

Agricultural University,

Corresponding Member

of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,

Professor                                                                                                                                                                     V.I. Trukhachev

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