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Athletes team of Stavropol State Agrarian University won ten medals at once in the World Cup Powerlifting


Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the Open Cup World Powerlifting and individual exercises, which took place in Sochi since 29 May to 2 June 2013. As a result our athletes won ten medals.

The following students from the Economy Department pleased with their victories. Shamal Murzabekov (4th year) ranked among the top juniors in the 90 kg category, Alexei Shirobokov (4th year) – a top position in the 75 kg category, Alexei Owl (2nd year) – the third overall and second position in the category of up to 100 kg. Two gold medals – the total first position and a top position in the weight category up to 110 kg was conquered by Alexander Danshin (5th year).

Students from the Technology Management Department haven’t fallen behind them: Lily Eminova (2nd year) took a top position in the weight category up to 44 kg, Alexander Inzhievsky (3rd year) – the second position and a total first in the category of up to 100 kg.. 1st year student from the Agronomy Faculty Nikolay Korshunov ranked among the youth of 18-19 years old took a top position in the weight category up to 82.5 kg.

Team athletes have been trained by Senior lecturer in physical education and sport, high-level coach N. V. Muhortova, who took in her turn a top position among women in the weight category up to 67.5 kg.

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