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The team of SSAU won gold of the All-Russian review contest


The gold medal of the All-Russian review competition "The best foodstuff, food staples and innovative development" was won by team of the Stavropol SAU.

Teachers and students of chair of technology of manufacturing and processing of agricultural production presented their developments on the All-Russian review competition "The best foodstuff, food staples and innovative development", taken place in a framework of the international scientific and practical conference "Innovative Technologies in Production and Processing of Agricultural Production in the conditions of the WTO". Conference took place on June 4-5, 2013 under the auspices of the Russian academy of agricultural sciences, the GNU of Volga region research institute of production and processing of meat and dairy production of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences on the basis of the Volgograd state technical university. The line of production presented by university under the general name "To your Health" included four products: blancmange "Sweet cloud", brine phyto-cheese "Stevita", shish kebab "Firebird" and a fruitcake "Sweet morning".

By results of work of the commission of experts, the presented products were awarded the diploma and a gold medal of an exhibition.

Leading scientists of branch scientific research institutes, heads and specialists of the advanced Russian enterprises of meat, dairy, baking, confectionery, alcoholic beverage, canning, starched and other branches of the food industry took part in conference and review contest. They discussed the hottest topics in the sphere of production and processing of agricultural production, ways of increase of its quality and competitiveness, the innovative developments were offered their for practical application.

"The demand of conference is confirmed by that annually more than 200 people gathered here - not only scientists, but also practicians – agricultural producers from different regions and the CIS countries interested in innovative development which will help them to reduce further expenses and to increase profitability of production", − the organizer of conference, the director of Volga region scientific research institute, the academician of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences I.F.Gorlov noted. 

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