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The deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Hinstein visited the Stavropol SAU


On June 18, 2013 the meeting of the vice-chairman of Committee on safety and counteraction of corruption of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Hinstein with students and the faculty of the Stavropol state agrarian university took place.

During a meeting students and teachers of higher education institution set to the deputy a number of questions about a condition of judicial system in Russia, about external and internal migratory processes, an involvement and tendentiousness of the mass media, the first results of implementation of the Federal law "About police", a foreign policy situation, corruption counterwork.

The question of reforming of the higher school didn't remain unaddressed also. Alexander Evseevich Hinstein who is a part of the working group on an assessment of this reform, expressed opinion that criteria of monitoring of efficiency of the Russian higher education institutions have to be changed. In particular, it is incorrect to compare higher education institutions on introductory point of Unified State Examination: "We plan to divide all Russian higher education institutions into four branch groups, including to allocate in separate higher educational institutions of agricultural subject. And it is correct. It is obvious that in agrarian or, for example, pedagogical higher education institutions the lowest passing score of Unified State Examination always will be below, than in legal or economic universities. But the employment of graduates has to become the main criterion of work of higher education institution. As a whole, when reforming the higher school both I and my colleagues will lean in the work on higher educational institutions, on their faculty as we realize importance of this task which decision directly influences the country future". 

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