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Students of SSAU took part in the international event "Memory Candle"


On June 22, 2013, about four o'clock in the morning, some minutes prior to an hour when the Great Patriotic War 72 years ago had began, at Stavropol Territory the International memorial event "Memory Candle" started. Special guard of Regional office of Interregional Public organization "KREMLIN" in Stavropol Krai took up a post No. 1 at the memorial "Fire of Eternal Glory" in Stavropol. Ignition of candles of memory near a memorial "Fire of Eternal Glory" from monument fire Stavropol Krai picked up relay of the International memorial action. Veterans transferred Sacred fire to young generation, including the students of the Stavropol SAU. Participants lit candles and held a moment of silence in memory of victims, and then placed flowers to the memorial.

Part in an action was taken by veterans of Council of veterans of Leninsky district of the city of Stavropol, deputies, volunteers, students, representatives of public organizations, inhabitants of the regional center.

27 million candles were lit across all Russia, in Belarus, Ukraine and Baltic in memory of the compatriots which lives were carried away by the Great Patriotic War. 

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