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The student of the Stavropol SAU visited "Ekoniva" agroholding at Voronezh region


he fifth-year electrical power faculty student of the Stavropol state agrarian university, the head of regional office of the All-Russian youth public organization "Russian Union of Rural Youth" Igor Devederkin within a working trip visited one of the largest agroholdings of Russia JSC "Ekoniva" at the Voronezh region where activists and other regional offices of RURY gathered.

"Ekoniva" employees showed to guests science and technology parks, dairy complexes and complexes on processing and storage of grain crops. The chief engineer and the veterinarian of agroholding in detail told about modern technological processes of cultivation of cattle – from young growth bringing up till the period of full milking, and also about features of deep processing of production of plant growing.

According to Igor Devederkin, visit by students of the advanced agrarian and industrial complexes of the Russian Federation and studying of modern technological processes promotes development of new generation of the qualified experts who will be able to put theoretical knowledge into practice competently. 

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