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Europe diving champion EvgenyKuznetsov was met at the airport by students of SSAU


Athletes and front enders of the Stavropol state agrarian university met at the airportthe accounting and financial faculty student EvgenyKuznetsovcoming back from the European diving championship. At the competitions which have passed from June 19 to June 23, 2013 in the German city of Rostock he won championship gold in synchronous jumps from a three-meter springboard, following the results of personal competitions became the silver prize-winner, and in team tournament together with Julia Koltunova received bronze.

Evgenynotedin interview that is happy with results of the championship, but plans to perfect the performance to the future starts. These starts will be the World Universiada−2013 and the World Cup in a diving. "It was an excellent competition, with serious rivals to whom it was very interesting to compete", − the SSAU student shared his impressions.

Also EvgenyKuznetsov answered a question of further sports careerplans that as well as any of the athlete he dreams of the Olympic gold, but wants on a way to it "to pass all other competitions of high level, winning medals for the country, the city and the university". 

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