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We congratulate Gennady Derevyanko and Sergey Avilov, students of faculty of mechanization, on a victory in competition "3T. Digital Creator"!


The All-Russian correspondence competition of technical creativity of youth "Talent, technologies, creativity – 3T. Digital Creator", starting last year, is complete.

Competition was held with support of the Ministry of education and sciences of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Agency of Strategic Initiatives (ASI) and the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia (AIRR). The executive director of AIRR, the chairman of the supervisory board of Fund of assistance to development of small forms of the enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere Ivan Mikhaylovich Bortnik was the chairman of organizing committee of competition.

One of contest tasks was the stimulation of interest of school pupils and higher education institutions students to technical creativity and invention, digital production as future professions.

Competition was the part of the program of JSC RVK aimed at promoting of invention and digital production. Its task is to draw attention of youth to the centers of youth innovative creativity and the laboratories of digital production which are creating across all Russia on models of the international laboratory Fab Lab. The first Russian laboratories of technical creativity are already created in NITU "MISiS", the Krasnoyarsk Regional Innovative and Technological Business Incubator (KRITBI). Next year in different regions of the country it is planned to open about 30 lab-centers of digital production and creativity.

Many educational institutions and associations, youth projects and the technical centers already became partners of competition "3T. Digital Creator". Among them is the Federal center of technical creativity of pupils, the Association of Engineering Education of Russia (AEER), the House of scientific and technical creativity of youth (branch of the Moscow city Palace of children and youth creativity), Federal physics and technology correspondence school at MFTI, the Center of perspective technologies, the Zvorykinsky project and others.

In 3,5 months (from October 16, 2012 to January 31, 2013) 429 works from different corners of Russia were submitted to the contest. All of them passed careful selection and an assessment. 99 students' projects got to a semi-final.

By results of vote the prize-winners were defined in the nominations "New Idea", "The Best Model for Laboratory of Digital Production" and "Creative Instructor". On two remained nominations "Technical Novelty" and "New Form" it was decided to vote in absentia to study works more carefully. Also the incentive nomination "To the most young participants of competition" was announced. The participants of the nomination "Technical Novelty" because of their large number were also awarded incentive prizes.

The results of competition "3T. Digital Creator" are as follows: at categorie "students" in the nomination "Technical Novelty" the 1st place wasn't awarded to anybody, the 2nd place was taken by students of faculty of mechanization of agriculture of the Stavropol state agrarian university:

– Gennady Derevyanko (2rd-year), project manager Egor Vladimirovich Kulaev, subject: "The equipment for processing and hardening of the prototypes received on 3d ZCorporation printers";

– Sergey Avilov (3rd-year), project manager Denis Sergeyevich Kalugin, subject: "The gelikoidal sowing device – agricultural mechanical engineering".

Dear winners, we rejoice together with you, we wish you further victories! 

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