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The patent for the invention and the certificate on registration of programs were received


Teachers, assistants and students of the Stavropol state agrarian university got the patent for the invention and certificates on the state registration of the computer programs.

The invention "A way of production of tea from stevia leaves" which authors are V.I.Trukhachev, G. P. Starodubtseva, Yu.A.Bezgina, T. G. Shapovalenko, S.I.Lyubaya and S.V. Avilov belongs to the food industry and can satisfy need of the people having diabetes for the sweet. This plant contains stevioside and other glycosides which are splitting in a human body without insulin assistance. Tea from stevia leaves also increases organism resilience to infectious diseases.

The electronic practical work "Introduction in technology of food" is intended for increase of didactic opportunities of discipline studying with the help of broad application of multimedia applications. It allows preparation of students for passing an examination in a subject and carrying out test control of knowledge of pupils. The autors of the sofrtare are E.S. Romanenko, E.A.Sosyura, A.F.Nudnova, V. V. Dalvadyants and D. S. Fitisov.

The "Complex Assessment of a Financial Condition of the Organization" software which authors are I.A.Demchenko, M. G. Leshchev and A.N. Balova, gives the opportunity to estimate efficiency and profitability of enterprise activity, covering the analysis of financial stability, business activity and solvency of the organization.

"The electronic magazine for young scientists Yscience" is intended for automation of reception of publications. Its creators are I.G. Minaev, V. V. Samoylenko and S.A.Bondarenko.

The "Factor-based Assessment of Investment Risks of Project Implementation in Agricultural Production" software developed by Kostyukova, A.N. Bobryshevym, A.V. Prytkova and A.B. Zhuravlyov is capable to define degree of investment risks of processing of agricultural production.

The electronic textbook "Physical chemistry" (authors E.S. Romanenko, N. N. Frantsev, E.V. Volosova, E.V. Pashkov, A.N. Shipulya and L.V. Snkhchyan) and educational and methodical study-guide "Information systems in economy" (I.V. Zaytsev, P.A.Sakhnyuk, O.I.Simonov and A.I.Demonov's authors) are intended for studying of educational subjects under the leadership of the teacher, independently and remotely. 

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