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Representatives of SSAU made a speech at meeting of the Temporary commission of the Federation Council


Representatives of SSAU took part in enlarged meeting of the Temporary commission of the Federation Council on monitoring of participation of Russia in the World Trade Organization and the Customs union on the subject "About Measures for Adaptation of Economy of Regions of the Russian Federation to World Trade Organization Conditions in the Sphere of Agro-industrial Complex". Meeting took place on July 2, 2013 in Pyatigorsk.

The Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council, the chairman of the Temporary commission of Council of Federation on monitoring of participation of the Russian Federation in the WTO and the Customs union Ilyas Umakhanov, the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Nikolay Fedorov, heads of regional public authorities, representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service, Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation, the enterprises of agrarian sector took part in the meeting.

On a round table "Problems of training of experts in a perspective of adaptation of economy of Russia to conditions of membership in the World Trade Organization" the acting vice rector for science and innovations of the Stavropol state agrarian university Vitaly Yuryevich Morozov made a speech. He noted that "preparation and retraining of experts in the field of the WTO has to be carried out together with associations of employers, executive authorities and foreign partners". The member of the committee of the Federation Council on science, education, culture and information policy Lyubov Nikolaevna Glebova became the moderator of this round table.

The faculty of mechanization of agriculture dean Alexander Viktorovich Orlyansky reported on optimum options of development of agricultural mechanical engineering in the conditions of the entry of Russia of Federation into the WTO on a round table which was conducted by the vice-chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy Yury Vitalyevich Roslyak. 

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