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SSAU teachers are among the winners of the All- Russian competition for the best scientific book

Professors of Department of accounting and finance of the Stavropol State Agrarian University became the winners of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific book in 2012:
- Alexey Bobryshev, Vice-Dean for Science (the book entitled "Improving the economic mechanism of development of depressed areas");
- Natalia V. Kulish, Head of Chair of Accounting, and Anna Marinenko, Associate Professor of Chair of Accounting (the book entitled "Disclosure of accounting information of agricultural enterprise in accordance with the requirements of IFRS").
- Alexey Gerasimov, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of Department of Statistics and Econometrics, and Yevgeny Gromov, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics and Econometrics (the book entitled "Improving the performance of regional agro-economic systems").
The expert committee reviewed applications from 4983 teachers from 1267 higher education and research institutions and decided the winners of the competition. All-Russian competition for the best scientific book 2012 organized by the Fund of National Education in 11 took park times in Sochi. During this time the competition has gained international status. This year it was attended by scientists from the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Korea, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

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