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The University invites students for the retraining program “Accounting”


The Continuing Professional Education Institute invites students for the retraining program “Accounting” (profile “Accounting in profit-making organizations”)

You can file your documents to the Continuing Education Faculty till October 1st, 2013.

The profile is one of the most popular, and this is not by accident: the efficient economist-accountant is the essential part of every organization.

During the education process the graduates get all the necessary knowledge and skills for:

· forming the accounting and analytical information about the different organizations’ activity and financial status.

· affiliating the potential losses and preventing the negative results of different organizations’ business processes.

· checking for a match between accounting (financial) statement and legislative requirements.

· affiliating the doubtful accounting information.

· estimating the efficiency and economic feasibility of organization business activity.

· forming the organization inner budget and controlling their use.

· using the audit conducting skill.

The experts’ education is led on the higher and secondary professional education base.

Course duration: 884 hrs.

Apprenticeship: 6 months.

Education form: part-time (5 days of full-time attendance once a month).

Cost of apprenticeship: 25000 rubles.

For nomination the following documents are necessary:

1. Statement addressed to the Rector (according to the form).

2. The contract for the person or entity (according to the form).

3. Higher or Secondary Education Diploma’s copy and its appendix certified by notary.

4. The copies 2-5 pages of passport.

5. Statement of employment (or employment record book’s record certified by human resource department).

6. 1 photo 3х4.

7. The certification of last name change (if necessary).

On the question of nomination you can refer to the address:

Stavropol, Pushkina Street, 15. The second floor, office 216

Tel/fax: 8 (8652) 24-77-23 (Continuing Education Faculty)

Tel: 8 (8652) 71-60-19 (Continuing Professional Education Institute Secretary)

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