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The postgraduate of the SSAU is among the winners of the contest of scientific works of post-graduate students and students «IPNI Scholar Award-2013»


Student of the Department of agronomical chemistry and plant physiology of Stavropol State Agrarian University Elena Ustimenko became the winner of the International Institute of nutrition of plants «IPNI Scholar Award-2013». She has presented on court of jury the project «Programming productivity of winter wheat in the zone of moderate humidification on the basis of optimization of the application of mineral fertilizers».

Own numerous studies Elena Ustimenko conducts under the direction of the Dean of the agronomy faculty, head of the Department of agronomical chemistry and plant physiology, doctor of agricultural Sciences, Professor A. N. Esaulko.

Elena Ustimenko is also the owner of the Grant and Award of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, repeated winner of the exhibition of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth and competition «National property of Russia». 

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