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Teachers of the SSAU visited the regional exhibition «Day of field-2013»


Employees of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Vice-rector for science and innovations V.JU Morozov, Dean of the faculty of mechanization of agriculture A.V. Orlyansky, associate Professor of the Department of technological equipment of livestock and processing enterprises D.I. Gritsay, associate Professor of mobile power tools V.C. Koytshev and associate Professor of the machines and processes in agribusiness department S.D. Ridny visited the regional exhibition «Day of field-2013» on the base of kolkhoz named after Voroshilov of Trunovsky district.

At the event were presented more than 130 samples of agricultural machines, more than half of them were shown in use. There were exhibited organizations of the Stavropol, Krasnodar territories, Rostov, Volgograd, Belgorod, Lipetsk, Nizhny Novgorod, and Moscow regions, and the Republic of Chuvashia.

Stavropol farmers compared the technical characteristics, production quality, cost and degree of adaptation to our soils of the submitted machines and implements. Representatives of the manufactures, dealers of world leaders in agricultural machinery industry received the necessary consultations and explanations on the issues of their interest.

The regional exhibition was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Government of Stavropol territory N. T. Velikdan and Minister of Agriculture of the region A.V. Martichev. According to words of the Chairman of the Duma of the Stavropol territory on agrarian issues, food, land relations and land management I. A. Bogachev, The Field Day is very important for farmers because the main event of the festival was the demonstration of agricultural machinery and equipment. 

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