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Teachers of the SSAU have been included in the Public Council at the Department of veterinary medicine of the Stavropol territory


The public Council was created to meet the needs and interests of citizens of the Russian Federation, protect the rights of public associations in the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of veterinary. It develops recommendations on activities of the management, in particular in defining the priorities of the state policy in the field of veterinary.

The teachers of the SSAU, who envolved in the Public Council

- Valery Anatolevich Belyaev - dean of the faculty of veterinary medicine, doctor of veterinary Sciences, Professor of the Department of therapy and pharmacology;

- Vasily Petrovich Tolokonnikov - doctor of veterinary Sciences, Professor of the Department of Parasitology, veterinary and hygiene examination, anatomy and pathological anatomy named after Professor S.N. Nikolsky;

- Nikolai Vasilievich Belugin - candidate of veterinary Sciences, associate Professor of the Physiology, surgery and obstetrics Department. 

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