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Employees of SSAU do the complex computer psychodiagnostic testing of the personality according to the innovative program


The staff of Pedagogics, psychology and sociology chair of the Stavropol SAU does the complex computer psychodiagnostic testing of the personality according to the innovative automated program «Professor».

As a result of inspection the staff of higher education institution makes the full characteristic of the personality for every participant and carries out the individual psychological consultation which includes the following aspects:

- assessment of "strength of the personality", defining success in various fields of activity;

- level of the personal development , business and intellectual qualities;

- aktsentuation of the character traits;

- analysis of the personality values structure (motivation);

- level of situational reliability of the personality;

- assessment of professional orientation (choice of profession);

- assessment of professional suitability (compliance of the post) etc.

It is known that in psychodiagnostic system more than fifty reliable and valid psychodiagnostic techniques are used. Among them the best versions of classical tests of Ayzenk, Kettela, MMPI, Osgud adapted for the Russian conditions and a self-assessment scale of Spielberg-Khanin. Original domestic techniques and among them psychobiographic methods and techniques of semantic differential are also important also.

We request to apply on all questions to the address: Stavropol, Pushkina St. 15, r. 406-407, (IDPO buil.); ph.: 8 (8652) 71-72-50; e-mail: pedagogiki.kafedra@yandex.ru

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