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Unforgettable feast for freshmen


About two thousand talented boys and girls received the title of the student of one of the leading innovative universities in Russia this year. In their honour, the University organized an unforgettable feast. From the very morning the courtyard of the university was beaming: balloons, baskets of flowers, an improvised stage. Following a long tradition, the most important and the very first festival for any student was held here – the Day of Knowledge!

The friends of the university came to congratulate the freshmen on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the new academic year. So, a lot of warm words in the address of the university and good wishes to the students and teachers came from the Deputy Chairman of the Government of Stavropol territory Galina Valentinovna Tkacheva: “Today you, freshmen, are opening a new page in your life. I want to thank your rector Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev for giving these children an opportunity to study. Stavropol State Agrarian University trains not only good specialists, but personalities who help to develop the economy of both the region and Russia. I wish you luck, to have nice student years and a smooth bright way in your life”.

The rector of the North-Caucasian Federal University Alina Afakoevna Levitskaya also said parting words to the students: “You enter an absolutely new world, the wonderful world of science and knowledge. And you are so lucky to enter it in the classrooms, the walls of Stavropol State Agrarian University, one of the best universities in the North Caucasus, and probably one of the best universities of the country in this industry. And it’s not just nice words, it is the truth, about which you will make sure every day studying in well-equipped classrooms, communicating with highly qualified lecturers”.

According to the rector of the university, correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, this year the number of the students of the university increased by almost two thousand first-year students. Today 18.5 thousand students study at the university, and SSAU is one of the largest universities in the North-Caucasian Federal district.

The main ceremony of the Feast of Dedication also passed solemnly. There were representatives of all faculties on the scene. They had symbolic “Flame of knowledge” and gave «the Oath of freshman», then the rector of the University, Professor Vladimir Trukhachev handed a symbolic Key to the “Temple of education and science”, student card and gradebook. Then freshmen honored the memory of the students and teachers perished at the fronts during the great Patriotic war.
The program of the Fest was very rich. The audience greeted the student's group «Kolos», the best student team of the University. They presented the rector and the guests of the festival a loaf of bread, baked from flour of educational-pilot farm of the University. Representatives of the plant protection faculty demonstrated flowers. Also all could see the combine harvesters of the last modification.

Our good tradition – the concert - was made by the best creative collectives of the University, winners of many international and all-Russia competitions, and famous Russian boys band «Chelsy». 

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