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On a joint academic council congratulated on anniversary academician Victor Makarovich Penchukov


On September 10, 2013 the ceremonial meeting of the Stavropol SAU Academic council, devoted to the anniversary of the academician of Agrarian Sciences Russian Academy, the doctor of agricultural sciences, professor of the General and Meliorative agriculture chair of Agronomy faculty Victor Makarovich Penchukov took place. To congratulate the prominent scientist and the teacher came: the chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Krai Yu.V.Beliy, the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Krai A.A.Nagayev, the rector of the Stavropol SAU V.I.Trukhachev, the director of the SSU of the All-Russian scientific research institute of oil-bearing crops named after V. S. Pustovoyt V. M. Lukomets, representatives of the faculty, heads of farms, and also numerous colleagues, students and friends.

The rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the corresponding member of Agrarian Sciences Russian Academy, professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev congratulated Victor such person – an award. Victor Makarovich for us unsurpassed authority, an example of dedicated, unselfishness belonging to the favourite business chosen once and forever. And not only the Stavropol and Russian colleagues, but also all world scientific community appreciate and respect him".

The medal "For Valorous Work" of the II degree to Victor Makarovich was handed over by the chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Krai Yury Vasilyevich Beliy. He emphasized that large yields of crops of which Stavropol Krai is proud in the recent years, became possible thanks to the base put by Victor Makarovich Penchukov at the development and improvement of dry agriculture systems. "Now the surname Penchukov − is a brand, it is the quality mark for region agriculture, for all-Russian agriculture", − Yury Vasilyevich summed up.

The First Deputy Minister of Agriculture in Stavropol Krai A.A.Nagayev from all Stavropol farm workers thanked Victor Makarovich, having noted a significant role of academicion works which help our Stavropol Territory to take leading positions in this branch firstly in the Soviet Union, and then in Russia.

"You are not simply teacher, professor for us, but also the person who made a huge contribution to the development of the All-Russian scientific research institute of oil-bearing crops, having affected on the development of the whole branch in our country. We have an aim to live as Penchukov", − the director of the SSU of the All-Russian scientific research institute of oil-bearing crops named after V. S. Pustovoyt Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Lukomets congratulated the hero of the anniversary.

In the response word Victor Makarovich thanked all who arrived to congratulate him, and especially warm words addressed to the Rector and the colleagues of the Stavropol SAU: "Vladimir Ivanovich is a person of the great business, he is an ideologist of all transformations in our Higher education institution. Also I would like to thank the dean of the Agronomy faculty for the fine organization of this holiday".

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