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Participation of scientists of SSAU in the agro-industrial exhibition- fair "Agrorus — 2013" brought gold and silver medals


Four gold and two silver medals were won at the XXII International agro-industrial exhibition- fair "Agrorus — 2013" by scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. It was in St. Petersburg at the exhibition complex «Lenexpo».

More than 120 enterprises and farms became participants of the competition "Gold Medal". It was carried out by JSC «Expoforum» with the support of the Russian Federation Government.

The structure of the contest committee included representatives of the Russian Federation Agriculture Ministry, the Russian academy of agricultural sciences and scientific institutions entering into it, the agrarian enterprises, etc.

Let's remind that our Higher education institution participates in the exhibition-fairs since 2006. This year scientists of SSAU also presented the development for which were awarded by gold and silver medals in the nomination "For Achievements in the field of Agricultural Science".

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