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Registration and financial faculty solemnly celebrate the professional holiday


On September 6, 2013 within celebration of the All-Russian professional holiday the Financier Day two large events were held for the students of registration and financial faculty.

At first there was a ceremonial meeting of the Academic Council at which the teachers and students of the Veterinary medicine , Technological management, Social-cultural service and tourism, Farm Mechanization faculties, who finished the course "Seminars of Financial Literacy at Schools and Higher Education Institutions" were handed over the certificates. The initiator of this project was the North Caucasian bank JSC «Sberbank of Russia» .

The dean of the faculty, the Doctor of Economics, professor E. I.Kostyukova addressed with welcome speech to the guests of Higher education institution, the colleagues and the students . And strategic partners of our University – representatives of the North Caucasian bank JSC «Sberbank of Russia» came to congratulate the collective with this Professional holiday: vice-chairman Vladimir Aleksandrovich Novikov, the managing director of the Stavropol GOSB of the Stavropol office Zoya Dmitriyevna Tikhomirova, the assistant of the chairman Vladimir Lukich Lavrinenko and the senior inspector of management with the personnel work Elena Gennadyevna Bolotova. At the end they presented to the students of registration and financial faculty who acted as animators of the project, memorable gifts and, having estimated their professionalism, suggested to have a job in one of bank divisions.

Later the students of the 3 course of registration and financial faculty, the direction of training "Economy" went to the lecture "Investments into Share Financial Instruments". Specialists of investment company JSC «FINAM» reported before the students: Consulting managing director of assets Maxim Aleksandrovich Volodin, Consulting managing director of assets Andrey Aleksandrovich Vlasenko, Financial services sales manager Mikhail Aleksandrovich Volodin. They acquainted students with new innovative approaches in about They told students about the new innovative approaches in the organization of exchange trade on the financial markets, functioning of the mechanized trade systems, hedging opportunities by means of hybrid tools and new structural products.

Following the results of the intellectual poll the students Vasily Yushkov, Marifa Kidraliyeva, Ramazan Bayramukov received the certificates on passing free training at the investment company «FINAM».

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