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The best students of SSAU spent a wonderful vacation at the tourist camp "Albatross"


500 students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University returned home happy and rested after a trip to the Black Sea coast , where they spent an unforgettable day at the tourist camp "Albatross" . The most talented , creative , athletic, active guys , and best students were presented such a gift by rector , corresponding member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences , Professor Vladimir Trukhachev and old friend of StGAU - General Director of "Kholod" Viktor Solomko.

Tradition to rest actively, positively and absolutely free in the "Albatross " began seven years ago . This summer entertainment for kids was very intense . Our students took part both sports - beach volleyball, football , basketball, table tennis and chess competition, as well as in creative activities - KVN festival , karaoke contest and Mr and Miss "Albatross" . The children will be remember for a long time dance battles , songs around the campfire, foam parties and interesting excursions .

For our students such a trip to the sea - it's not just a vacation , it's a real energy boost for the whole year , a great incentive to make new discoveries , achievements and conquests heights of stunning victories for the benefit of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

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