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The students of our University took part in the « Crop Day-2013»


The Stavropol State Agrarian University took an active part in the main holiday of Stavropol farmers- regional «Crop Day» on September 14, 2013. The main celebrations devoted to completion of harvesting of grain crops in 2013, passed in a framework of breeding animals and birds exhibition, agricultural machinery, cars and other equipment.

Among the exhibits there were the innovative developments of SSAU scientists, JSC NPO «Steviana» production: dry leaf of stevia, phytoteas, the ornamental plants which have been grown up in the glass-house complex of the Stavropol SAU. And pupils of Horse-racing school at the Stavropol State Agrarian University showed the skills of show jumping.

During the opening of this exhibition the official delegation of the Stavropol Krai government: the vice- governor, the Prime Minister of Krai I.I.Kovalev, Deputy Prime Minister N.T.Velikdan, Minister of Agriculture A. V. Martychev looked at the exposition of Agrarian University.

Also within the «Crop Day-2013» celebration the Interregional innovative forum of rural youth "Crop −2020" passed and became some kind of platform for discussion of opportunities of youth on real participation in social transformation of the village, an exchange of experience for improving professional growth and skills. Young specialists of Agro-industrial complex of Stavropol Krai and the republics of the North Caucasus federal district were taken part in this forum. Among them there were the students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Our students participated and in the festive concert of «Crop Day −2013». The best dancing and vocal groups of Higher education institution showed their programs to the guests and participants of the celebrations.

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