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«Caucasus in front of me …»


On September 18, 2013 in the Assembly hall of our University the preventive action directed on the prevention of extremist manifestations in the youth environment took place.

Staff of Educational work and social problems department, interethnic student council, deputy deans on Educational work of faculties, tutors of the academic groups, teachers of the Law chair, the chair of Philosophy and History, members of the Regional Youth government, many students became participants of this action.

The reporters touched such subjects as thinking and understanding of historical sources of extremism in the religious sphere in the North Caucasus, development of respectful relations between the students regardless of nationality, the unique role of the best art works as instrument of improving culture in the international relations.

At the end the participants saw literary performance "The Caucasus in front of me…» shown by the actors of Stavropol literary center, reminded to the youth about historical events of the 19th century in the North Caucasus. 

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