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School of student activists began its work

On 21 of September, 2013 400 first-year students from all the faculties of the Stavropol State Agrarian University celebrated the Grand opening of the XX School of student activists «Youth leader SSAU - 2013».

For the beginning all the participants were divided into twelve units, each of which is presented its name and slogan at the solemn opening. So as this school is devoted to the construction of the personality, its development and growth, and the names of units selected: «Mounting foam», «Basis of SSAU», «Glamorous bricks», and «Hammers», « Friendship saw», «Agroroll», «Аgroros brick», «Level», «ABC», «Agricultural city of roses», «АgroStar», «Penguins».

Now during two days the participants will pass master -classes, psychological trainings and games for making friends, team building and the development of leadership skills, cheerful tests for dexterity, ingenuity, an ingenuity.

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