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Start is given to week of International tourism


On September 23, 2013 the opening of week of the international tourism took place. The head of Social service and tourism chair Alexander Vladimirovich Trukhachev, the General Director of Mouzenidis travel office in Stavropol Konstantin Kilinkarov, the Head of international relations department Svyatoslav Sergeyevich Serikov reported at it.

On opening of the International week of tourism in the University Also there arrived the Minister of resorts and tourism of Stavropol Krai Valentina Vladimirovna Chentsova arrived to the opening of the International week of tourism in the University. She noted outstanding merits of the Rector of the University, professor V.I.Trukhachev in training specialists for the service and tourism industry and the highest level of material equipment of production base at the faculty, equal to which isn't present more in any higher education institution in the North Caucasus federal district.

At the opening the Head of Social service and tourism chair Alexander Vladimirovich Trukhachev wished to all students of the faculty to spend week of the International tourism with benefit.

Konstantin Kilinkarov thanked the staff of Social service and tourism chair and the students of the faculty who have passed semi-annual training in the Greek offices of the Mouzenidis travel company: "Your students are good fellows who made a huge contribution to development of our business".

The festive atmosphere at the opening of the International tourism week was made by performances of creative collectives of Higher education institution show- ballet "Stylnye shtutki", step-group "Golden Fox", the vocal Prestige trio, vocal group "Joyce", and also students Alyona Horoshilova and Ilya Negriboda .

The first action of the International tourism week was the scientific and practical conference where the reports on the following themes: "The ecological taxation", "Development of ecological tourism in Stavropol Territory", "Ecological farming − a basis of agrotourism in the North Caucasus federal district", "Marketing as the instrument of increasing tourist appeal of territories" were made. 

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