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Students of SSAU participated in Youth festival of science


More than 100 students, graduate students and young teachers of SSAU participated in the Youth festival of science which passed on September 24, 2013 on the basis of the exhibition center "Progress". The festival became a platform for carrying out regional School of the young innovator on which the acting vice -rector in scientific and innovative work of the Stavropol SAU V.Yu.Morozov and the Head of Research developmental works and transfer of technologies department D.V.Ivanov held training seminar "Forms of the state support for young innovators. Bases of filling competitive documentation".

Students also visited an educational seminar "How to find the investor. Rules of search for the investor", round table "Perspectives of interregional innovative development" and an exhibition of scientific - technical and innovative achievements in Stavropol Krai. It became some kind of interactive platform for presentation of the youth projects focused on scientific and technical field of activity with the purpose of their further development and advance for formation of innovative national economy. 

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