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International conference was held in SSAU

25 September 2013, in the Stavropol State Agrarian University the International scientific-practical conference «Science-based farming systems: theory and practice», dedicated to the 80-anniversary of Agricultural Sciences Russian Academy academician , Professor, the doctor of Agricultural Sciences, honorary worker of AIC of Russian Federation, honorary worker of Higher professional education V. M. Penchukov. 
Welcoming the participants of the conference, the Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, the member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Vladimir Trukhachev noted that the aim of the event is to attract the attention of scientists and practitioners in our country, heads of collective and private farms, agricultural specialists to scientific and reasonable management of agriculture. Academician Penchukov is one of the main authors, the ideologist of the scientifically substantiated systems of farming. 
The event was attended by the first Deputy Minister of agriculture in Stavropol Krai Alexander Alexandrovich Nagaev, the Deputy Minister of natural resources and environment protection in Stavropol Krai Nikolay N. Petrenko, the Deputy head of Department of Federal service in state registration and mapping of the Stavropol Krai Boris Farisovich Faiskanov, the head of the scientific Department of the Higher engineering school of architecture and design, Switzerland, Geneva Buava Pascal. 
Among the participants of the conference there were the scientists from Switzerland, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, representatives of the Ministries of the Stavropol Krai, the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, leading agrarian universities of Russia, all-Russia research Institute of Agrochemistry named by D.N. Pryanishnikov, Krasnodar research Institute of agriculture, Stavropol research Institute of agriculture, the North-Caucasian research Institute of mountain and foothill agriculture, Armavir experimental station of VNII of olive cultures, agricultural enterprises of the Stavropol Krai. 
The participants of the conference discussed the problems of the farming systems on the agrolandscape basis, monitoring of soils and methods to improve soil fertility, energy-saving technologies of production and processing crops, rational nature management and environmental protection, systems of plant protection, selection and seed breeding of cultivated plants, manufacture of forages for agricultural animals and birds, mechanization of agriculture, economics of agro-industrial complex in modern conditions.

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