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All-Russian scientific and practical conference takes place on the basis of SSAU


From October 1 to October 4, 2013 on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University takes place the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Actual Problems and Prospects of Development in Physical Culture at Higher Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Russian Federation".

The organizers of conference were the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation with the assistance of «Agroobrazovaniye» association, FSBEI HPE "Stavropol State Agrarian University".

Among participants of conference there were of Physical training and sports chairs of Higher education institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Russian Federation, famous trainers and athletes of the Stavropol SAU: Vasilyi Skakun, Andrey Chemerkin and also the winner of the World summer University games in Kazan, the silver prize-winner of the Olympic Games in London, the student of Registration and financial faculty Evgenyi Kuznetsov.

The rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the corresponding member of Agrarian Sciences Russian Academy, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, the General director «Agroobrazovaniye» association Vitalyi Nikolaevich Boyarsky addressed with welcome speech at the opening of conference. The former reporter noted that such meetings "give the chance to glance a little in future and surely go forward".

In the first day reports of the Honored figure of Science of the Russian Federation, the Doctor of Medical sciences, Professor of the Physical training chair of the St. Petersburg State academy of Veterinary medicine M.Ya.Levin and the manager NIL adaptive physical culture of the Stavropol State Pedagogical institute, the Doctor of Pedagogical sciences, the Professor, the Academician of the Russian academy of Natural sciences R. R. Magomedov were presented.

Further the conference continued with the Council meeting on physical culture and sport and mass work at the Association of the agrarian and industrial complexes educational institutions and fisheries. And the first working day of the conference was finished with the volleyball and mini-football friendly games which passed in the Sports complex of the Stavropol SAU. 

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