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Old age without tears


From October 1 to October 8, 2013 the Week of the elderly person devoted to celebration of the International Day of the elderly person passed in our University.

They say when the person grows old, he again comes back to the childhood. And also needs love, care and understanding, as many years ago. Not only this year teachers, employees and students of University take care of elderly inhabitants of our city, they as nobody else know that care and attention are necessary to all pensioners. Therefore the University prepared and carried out the program of good acts «Old age without tears", and every person could participate in it.

Realization of this program was started long before celebration the official Day of the elderly person. On the eve of the City Day the Council of veterans and the trade-union organization of the University congratulated all teachers and employees being now on deserved rest. Students and teachers visited more than 200 veterans of war and labour and handed over them festive food sets.

The meetings with representatives of the senior generation took place at many faculties. Honoured professor of SSAU Nestor Makarovich Shakhzadov, associate professors of Selection, seed farming and technology of food plant growing storage chair by the name of F.I.Bobryshev, Alexander Evtikhiyevich Zubov and Vera Alekseevna Mirnaya, associate professor of Agrochemistry chair, Alexander Petrovitch Chernov were invited to a festive event of Agronomy faculty.

Teachers and students of Registration and financial faculty are very glad to meet the associate professor Alexey Grigoryevich Myshko.

The Economics faculty for a long time has a patronage above the veteran of the Great Patriotic War Pavel Georgiyevich Pestryakov. This year the Celebration of the Elderly person Day has coincided with remarkable 95-year anniversary of the oldest veteran of Economics faculty Vera Aleksandrovna Samoylova, worked as laboratory assistant at Business and world economy chair for many years.

One more hero of the anniversary was congratulated at the Veterinary medicine faculty. On October 1, 2013 at this faculty the ceremonial meeting devoted to the 75 anniversary of Anatoly Fedorovich Dmitriev, the Doctor of Biological science, the professor of Epizootology and microbiology chair, the Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, the Honoured worker of higher education of the Russian Federation, the full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS) took place.

Graduates of Plant protection faculty of 1993 invited the elderly teachers for the meeting where gratitude and appreciation words for the received knowledge and the unforgettable years spent at the University sounded.

Students of Electric power faculty visited the hero of the Battle in Stalingrad, in the last year he was a vice-chairman of Ministry Council in the Republic Kalmykia Nikolay Timofeevich Porotov. The sports competitions at the faculty between veterans and youth were surprisingly bright and vigorous .

At the meeting with the first-year students Eudokia Vasilyevna Resnyanskaya, the veteran of Technological management faculty, the associate professor of Zoology and zoohygiene chair told about her memories in reestablishing of our higher education institution for difficult post-war years.

The charity marathon was carried out by the Socio-cultural service and tourism faculty together with Economics faculty within the program « Old Age without Tears». Student activists visited Nursing home in Stavropol with concert mini-programs for bed patients and invalids, small pleasant gifts in the form of flowers and a vital solar picture were presented to elderly people.

The international day of the elderly person is a big holiday! And it is one more occasion to remind the senior generation that we are grateful to them for all we have now. And we, their children and grandsons love them very much. Because the happy grandmother is our happiness! 

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