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Meeting of Regional Council of young scientists and experts took place


On October 11, 2013 on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University the meeting of Council of young scientists and experts of Stavropol Krai took place. It was visited The chairman of Duma committee of Stavropol Krai in training and science, the professor Lyudmila Mikhaelovna Kuzyakova, temporarily fulfilling duties of the Committee chairman in youth activities of Stavropol Krai Irina Nikolaevna Shatskaya, the Rector of the Stavropol SAU, the Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, the Professor, the Deputy of the Duma in Stavropol Krai Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.

In L.M. Kuzyakova's greeting speech it was noted that young people gathered on the meeting had very high aims and should use all opportunities for receiving financial support to young scientists given today by the state.

I. N. Shatskaya also emphasized that now at federal level the special attention is given to support the innovative activity. And Stavropol Krai already proved that in our region the young scientist is given full support.

The Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University V.I.Trukhachev told that our higher education institution has the large experience of supporting young scientists. In particular, since 2010 the system of encouragement in the form of intra high school grants and awards is realized. The prize fund makes 1, 5 million rubles and according to this winners can buy the equipment, reactives, pay for the work of the involved organizations within the scientific researches. Annually 30 grants are given and already more than 100 young scientists got financial support.

The main report at the meeting was made by the chairman of the board of young scientists and experts of Stavropol Krai, the acting vice rector for scientific and innovative activity of the Stavropol State Agrarian University V.Yu.Morozov. It showed the board role in youth involvement in innovative process and prospects of its further development, and also submitted full information about all grants and competitions for young scientists which are carried out now.

Also in connection with modification of the Government Resolution of Stavropol Krai from 25.06.2009 № 165-P within the framework of the meeting the new structure of board was presented. The questions connected with preparation and carrying out the Regional scientific and practical conference "Innovative Ideas of Youth in the North Caucasus − to Development of Economy in Russia" within which will pass the competition "UMNIK" were also considered. 

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