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"Nine of the best"- the best students and graduate students of SSAU


"Nine of the best" – is the competition on determining the best students and graduate students of the faculties who have shown outstanding results in educational, research, public, cultural and mass, creative, sports life in our University and out of it . At an assessment of contestants special success in development of programs of higher education, success in research activity, and results of extracurricular activities are considered. Winners are defined by the common decision of Dean's office of faculty, student's trade-union committee, department of educational work.

The best students of October 2013 became:  

Agronomy faculty


Pustovit Elena – the 3-d year student, excellent student, the chairman of trade-union committee of the faculty, active leader of different creative and cultural activities at the faculty, University, city, region. As a member of the volunteer group «Tolk» and «Zabota» she took part in 30 social activities. Elena is the winner of university and regional competitions in volleyball and darts.

Plant Protection faculty


Serbin Maxim – the student of the 5th year, the excellent student. The nominal scholar of the Federal program of V. Potanin, the scholar of the governor of Stavropol Krai, the prize-winner of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientific higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Russian Federation in the Nature and Water Use direction, the author of scientific articles, the active participant of ecological and charitable actions, the winner of the intra high school competitions "Young Talents", "Student's Spring", "Mr. of University".

Veterinary medicine faculty

Sevostyanova Olga – the 1-st year graduate student, the nominal scholar of the President in the Russian Federation, the scholar of the Russian agrarian movement, the nominal scholar of V.Potanin’s federal program, the winner of the All-Russian competitions for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientific higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Russian Federation, the numerous winner and the prize-winner of the international competitions and the All-Russian agro-industrial exhibitions and fairs, the winner of grant competitions at the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the field of science and innovations for young scientists, the winner of award in support of the talented youth established by the Decree of the Russian President from April 6, 2006 No. 325, the active participant of youth public organizations.

Technological management faculty

Martynov Alexey- the 4-th year student, the chairman of trade-union committee of faculty, TV presenter of weekly program "the Student, AU", broadcasting on Russia 1 TV channel. The nominal scholar of Federation of Labor Unions in Stavropol Region, the nominal scholar of Stavropol administration , the winner of the All-Russian competition of research and creative works of youth "I will be estimated in the XXI century", the leader of the X-th regional school of active students and the III trade-union school of active students.

Socio-cultural service and tourism

Bolotov Maxim − student of the 2-nd year, active participant of professional orientation and entering campaigns of University, participant of the Brand of North Caucasus Federal District exhibition, winner of faculty actions.

Registration and financial faculty

Voytysheva Ekaterina – the student of the 4-th year, the chairman of student's corporate league of Sberbank, the head of volunteer group «TOLK» at the University. The nominal scholar of the federal program of V. Potanin, the winner of regional "Award 2020", the numerous owner of grant of the All-Caucasus forum "Mashuk", the winner of the regional award "My Civil Initiative", the numerous winner of the international student's Olympic Games and scientifically – practical conferences.

Economic faculty

Smolin Oleg – the student of the 4-th year, the excellent student. The winner of the Second All-Russian Olympic Games of scientific and applied works on national security and geopolitics of Russia in the nomination "National Interests of Russia", the nominee of 1-st degree of the All-Russian competition of research works of pupils, students, graduate students and research associates "Development of agrarian and industrial complex of the South in Russia". The member of the regional youth government, active participant of student's public associations, the winner of the intra high school competitions "Young Talents", "Student's Spring", "Mr. of University", the twice champion of sport competition of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on table tennis.

Farm mechanization faculty

Savelyev Andrey – the student of the 5th year, the excellent student, the active participant of creative life of the University. Owner Gran-pri of the International festival "Sail of My Childhood", winner of 1 degree of the International competition "On Talent Wings", winner of the 20th «Student's Spring of Stavropol Territory» festival competition, three times winner of the regional competition "Soldier's Envelope".

Electric Power faculty

Gurkovskiy Alexander – the student of the 3-d year, the excellent student, the head of the course and group. The winner of competition of youth projects in the North Caucases youth forum "Mashuk - 2013", the coauthor of 2 certificates on the state registration of the computer program, the prize-winner to the student's interfaculty Olympic Games on physics "Erudite", the winner of the annual scientific and practical conference "Energy of the Future", the participant of the competition "Umnik 2013", the participant of the 2nd international conference "Innovative Development of Young Scientists — to Development of Agro-industrial Complex", the author of 6 articles published in collections of scientific works, the active participant of student's public associations.

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