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Diplomatic reception at faculty of Socio-cultural service and tourism


On October 22, 2013 in studio for practice-oriented lessons"Two chiefs" at faculty of Socio-cultural service and tourism under the leadership of the associate professor "Tourism and service" K.Yu.Mikhaylova business - game in the form of secular reception – diplomatic reception took place. Students of the 3-rd year should fix in practice skills of secular etiquette, the diplomatic protocol and specifics of communication on business receptions which they studied within the course "International Business Negotiations".

Special color to reception was added by acquaintance to traditions and cookery of England, Mexico and Spain. Beginning "diplomats" chose these countries for presentation. Performances, vocal and choreographic numbers, the thematic statements prepared by participants of business game, brightly reflected culture and color of the countries.

Vice- rectors of University, teachers of Economic and Socio-cultural service and tourism were invited to the diplomatic reception. Guests noted high level of student preparation and the culinary masterpieces prepared by children. According to the opinion of teachers they created full feeling of presence on the real secular reception. Participants of business game too remained delighted with this event and suggested to carry out business reception again at the end of the term. 

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