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Seminar of academic group tutors


On October 24, 2013 seminar in academic group tutor school passed. At seminar the most important questions of tutor activity and ways of their decision were presented.

The report on productivity of educational process at University was made by the head of department of sociological researches and V.A.Ivashova marketing. She told in detail about the most important problems of tutor work, carried out the comparative analysis of assessment students of University in the main directions of educational activity at faculties. The conducted research allowed estimating present condition of tutor work at University and predicting its development.

Speech of the associate professor of the economic theory and applied economy N.A.Dovgotko was devoted to modern methods of motivation and stimulation of student's activity. He noted that any activity proceeds more effectively and gives qualitative results if thus the personality has strong, bright, deep motives causing desire to work actively, wholeheartedly forces, to overcome inevitable difficulties, unfavorable conditions and other circumstances. Its stimulation is closely connected with motivation of activity. To stimulate — means to induce, give an impetus, an impulse to thought, feeling and action.

Practical recommendations about maintaining and registration of documentation of the tutor of the academic groups according to the main directions of educational activity were made by the leading expert of department of educational work and social problems S. N. Yurchenko.

In conclusion of seminar it was noted that in work with students the tutor is a key link of educational system of higher education institution. Solving a set of the pedagogical, organizational, social and psychological tasks connected with adaptation of students to the new educational and educational environment, he becomes a binding element, the intermediary between the management of faculty, higher education institution and student's group, between higher education institution and a family of the student, between pedagogical collective and student's one. 

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