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First place in All-Russian "Press-marathon" was taken by sportsman of SSAU sports club


On October 26, 2013 in sports complex of the Stavropol State Agrarian University "Press- marathon" passed. 43 athletes took part in it. "Press- marathon" − is a part of the All-Russian three-hour online tournament on press lying in which 58 clubs from all country took part. The results shown in these competitions were brought in the general table and thus the strongest sports club of Russia and three of the best athletes in absolute superiority were defined. According to the results the sports club of Agrarian University Agrus Gym took the 6th place in the All-Russian tournament, and its participant, the graduate of Farm mechanization faculty Dmitry Krutko became the first in All-Russian "Press- marathon". The senior teacher of physical training and sports chair N. V. Mukhortova became the third in the All-Russian women’s superiority in the last championship. 

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