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A new season of KVN is opened


October 29, 2013. KVN players of Stavropol state agrarian university opened a new season of humor with the Festival of Intra high school league of KVN. Teams of all faculties of the university took part in it: team "Engineers"of the faculties of electrical power and agriculture mechanization, team of agronomy faculty and faculty of plant protection, team "the 204th block" of the faculties of technological management and veterinary medicine, teams of registration and financial faculty, faculty of economy, faculty of welfare service and tourism. Game took place in two stages: greeting and warm-up with jury. The jury included the best KVN players of Stavropol Krai and the founder of the KVN team "the 45th parallel" Sergey Yuryevich Zubenko.

Following the results of game the cup of the champion of a festival is handed over to the team of KVN of agronomy faculty and faculty of plant protection. Also this team is awarded with a special prize for the best joke of the festival. The best actor of the festival is the participant of the KVN team of registration and financial faculty Arthur Shafranov. 

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