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«Umnik – 2013» - eight students of Stavropol state agrarian university


On October 30, 2013 in the Duma of Stavropol Krai passed rewarding of winners of competition of the federal program UMNIK−2013. It was carried out within the regional scientific and practical conference "Innovative Ideas of Youth of the North Caucasus to development of economy of Russia".

The chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Krai Yury Vasilyevich Bely, the Deputy Prime Minister of Stavropol Krai Irina Vladimirovna Kuvaldina, the chairman of committee of the Duma of Stavropol Krai by training and science, professor Lyudmila Mikhaelovna Kuzyakova, the curator of the program UMNIK of Fund of assistance to development of small forms of the enterprise in the scientific and technical sphere Vyacheslav Demchenko (Moscow), and also deputies of a regional Duma came to congratulate young scientists and inventors.

"You do a big and important work. To find himself in life is, perhaps, the most important task for each person. We need your lucid minds, skillful hands, because you are the future of Russia. Twenty percent of a deputy corps of Stavropol Krai came to greet you and to tell that we are proud of you. We are here to thank you, organizers of competition, and also the chairman of the board of rectors of higher education institutions of Stavropol Krai Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev who does a lot to support young scientists", − Yury Bely greeted contestants.

On behalf of the acting governor of Stavropol Krai Vladimir Vladimirovich Vladimirov Irina Kuvaldina addressed to participants: "Here is the most talented, vigorous and clever part of youth of Stavropol Krai. I am sure that each of you can make a lot of things for our Krai and our country because you have the inquisitive mind and desire to make in this life something very useful".

Vyacheslav Demchenko as the curator of the program UMNIK noted that from all regions of Russia the Stavropol representation is the brightest and the brightest "Umniki" are also from the Stavropol program. Also he told to all contestants joyful news: The fund of assistance to development of small forms of the enterprise in the scientific and technical sphere passed to the new scheme of financing. Now won funds will be transferred on 100 thousand 2 times a year on personal cards of winners of competition, and taxes on the got grant won't be raised.

This year for a rank of the cleverest 126 participants competed from higher education institutions of Stavropol Krai. 26 from them represented Stavropol state agrarian university. They presented works on the following directions: information technologies, future medicine, modern materials and technologies of their creation, new devices and hardware complexes, biotechnologies.

The winners of the federal program UMNIK are 22 young scientists, eight of them are students, graduate students and young teachers of our university. Among winners are:

− graduate student of accounting and finance faculty Angelica Prytkova who has developed the automated program complex "Information and functional investment"

- student of the faculty of economics Evgeny Slastenov with the project "Service against violators of traffic",

− graduate student of faculty of veterinary medicine Irina Kondrat who has developed the combined preparation for address delivery of an antibiotic by adsorption on molecules of immunoglobulin,

− assistant of chair of electrical power faculty Ekaterina Golubnitskaya − the author of the intelligent exercise machine for research of automated control systems,

− engineer on electric equipment of electrical power faculty Igor Devedyorkin with development of the synchronous generator with ferromagnetic inserts for wind power installations,

− graduate student of faculty of veterinary medicine Alexey Kopytko with the project "Forecasting of efficiency of hens of different cross-countries with use of criteria of an assessment of synthesis of protein",

− student of faculty of agricultural mechanization Roman Karabut, who developed essentially new device for transformation of energy of environment and energy of hydrocarbons to electric energy,

− student of electrical power faculty Kirill Falko with the project "Development of the high-speed measuring instrument of active resistance of a current carrying contour of power transformers".

Twenty participants of competition deserved the title "Umnik of Stavropol Krai". The jury noted the following works of students and young scientists of SSAU:

− graduate student of faculty of agricultural mechanization Ivan Kustarnikov "Development of a hardware-software complex of management by working bodies of the unit for the differentiated introduction of tucomixture",

− graduate student of faculty of veterinary medicine Anastasia Miroshnikova "Development of modern biologically safe means of disinfection of objects of agricultural purpose and food industry",

− graduate student of faculty of veterinary medicine Anastasia Metlyaeva "Development of technology of receiving embryos of sheep by means of extra corporal fertilization",

− graduate student of agronomy faculty Ekaterina Sedykh "Development of technology of preparation of a new substratum for cultivation of the vegetable". 

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