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The bibliographic index of professor Anatoly Fedorovich Dmitriev was presented


On October 31, 2013 the presentation of the bibliographic index of Anatoly Fedorovich Dmitriev took place at the veterinary medicine faculty. The presentation was organized by the staff of scientific library. Index compilers - the staff of chair of an epizootologiya and microbiology, graduate students, the staff of scientific library and students of 1 course of faculty of veterinary medicine took part in the presentation.

The index is issued within the "Biobibliography of scientists" series and dated for the 75 anniversary since the birth of A.F.Dmitriev. In the biobibliography the main stages of life, a scientific and pedagogical and production activity of the scientist are reflected; his scientific and educational works, patents, copyright certificates, editorial works; the theses executed under the supervision of the scientist.

Chronological coverage of the index is between 1965 and May, 2013.

The index arrived in funds of libraries of agricultural higher educational institutions of Russia.

It is intended for scientists, graduate students, students, specialists of agrarian and industrial complex. 

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