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500 students of Agrarian University took part in action "One Anthem — One Country"


In Day of national unity on Krepostnaya gora the All-Russian action "One Anthem — One Country" passed. About one and a half thousand students, pupils, activists of youth associations took part in it. Among participants there were five hundred students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The acting as the governor Vladimir Vladimirov joined to participants of the action. He addressed to participants of the action, having noted value of the Day of national unity as symbol of solidarity of all citizens in Russia – representatives of different nationalities, religions, age groups.

– It is our Day! Day of people who want to live in one country, to sing one anthem, to stand under one flag, to do everything that is necessary for prosperity of our Homeland, – Vladimir Vladimirov told, welcoming youth.

Singing the anthem of the Russian Federation by all participants of holiday became the central event of this action. Then hundreds white, blue and red balloons symbolizing the Russian tricolor were let out in the sky.

And students of Agrarian University and famous Stavropol singer Dimoss Sarancha sang the youth anthem of Stavropol Krai. The authors are the participants of regional competition who wrote the text for the youth anthem of Stavropol Territory. In Day of national unity the anthem was heard firstly for wide audience.

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