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Seminar- coaching "Career Planning" has passed


On November 6, 2013 in the assembly hall of the Stavropol State Agrarian University the presentation of the «Career Planning» program for students took place. The head of the program N. V. Koretsky presented the basic concepts of planning career - "time accountancy ", "certification of knowledge", "positioning on labor market" and others. Besides, in a popular form the comparative description of current state in the system of the state and corporate education in the Russian Federation and their interferences on labor market was presented.

By results of a meeting, the initiative group of students of different faculties was formed. System work on individual planning of their career will be carried out with them. As the first step, preparation of the selected students for the international examination of English IELTS is planned. Examination will be carried out on the basis of SSAU in June, 2013 by the group of the certified experts from Cambridge. By results of examination, the students who have shown the IELTS level 5.0 and above, will go on professional training at the leading Russian and foreign companies.

The admission in new groups of planning career will be open until the end of November. For those who wish - can directly apply to the head of the program to the address awentis@rambler.ru

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