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Friendship of the People festival in SSAU was to every taste


This year on the Day of national cultures which became traditional at the Stavropol State Agrarian University the Friendship of the People festival took place. Students and guests of the holiday not only told about their nationality, but also showed its features: traditional suits, life elements, dances and dishes of national kitchen.

As jury Alexander Yakushev, the chairman of Committee on affairs of nationalities in Stavropol Krai, the head of the sector of realization youth initiatives in the Center of youth projects in Stavropol Krai George Golovin, the cochairman of the Stavropol city youth organization of the people in Dagestan Malik Kimbarov, the head of department of educational work and social problems in SSAU Tatyana Gunko came to the festival . But they hadn't to judge here anybody, all was interesting and tasty. Greeks offered guests pastitsio (macaroni baked with chopped meat and sauce béchamel), snacks from cheese feta and, certainly, the Greek salad. The children representing the Karachay people pleased tasters with hytin with meat and potato, a dried horse-flesh with the difficult pronounced name kakyet, it was given with tuzluk, and then, by all means, ayran was drunk. Hit of the Armenian table became dolma, its recipe was similar to filling cabbage (golubtsy), but instead of cabbage leaves the grape ones are used. And Russians under sounds of bayan treated everybody with pancakes and pies with the most different fillings. The holiday ended with the bright concert program which children were preparing during several months.

"Similar actions strengthen the friendly relations between students of the different countries, feeling of mutual understanding, feeling of tolerance in relation to other culture", − the chairman of ethnic council of the Stavropol SAU Oleg Smolin considered. 

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