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It is interesting to learn history in Agrarian University


Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University study history not only at lectures and seminars, but also, participating in various thematic actions. So, students of the first courses visited a festive concert "Sing, the Cossack krai". In program there were songs and dances performed by regional Cossack groups. And on November 7, 2013 the first-year students took part in the interuniversity historical and geographical game "If people are uniform, they are unconquerable" devoted to Day of national unity. Following the results of carrying out "quest" all participants received diplomas and memorable prizes. Next day students together with teachers of philosophy and history chair professor S. B. Kalinchenko, associate professor I.N. Kravchenko, the senior teacher E.V. Tufanov visited scientific conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Jacob Abramov by eyes of youth". It was carried out in the Stavropol state historical and cultural and natural and landscape memorial museum by G. N. Prozritelev and G.K.Prave. Besides conference children visited also the exhibition devoted to creativity of Jacob Vasilyevich Abramov. Unique works of the great writer and publicist, the remained personal things, archival records and others were presented on it. There were things which creativity of the great genius of the time touched with. 

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