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First-year students showed their power in basketball and darts


On November 11, 2013 in a framework of "A cup of the first-year student" passed basketball competitions among men's teams. In the final there were teams of Agronomy and Electrical power faculties. With a clear advantage the victory was won by first-year students of Agronomy faculty with the score 23:7. Teams of Electrical power faculty and faculty of Farm mechanization fought for the second place. Victory with the score 17:5 won Electric power faculty, the first-year students of Farm mechanization faculty became the third. Other places were distributed as follows: on the fourth place- faculty of Veterinary medicine, behind them- Registration and financial faculty, the sixth became the team of faculty of Technological management, on the seventh place -Economic faculty, the eighth- representatives of faculty of Socio-cultural service and tourism.

And on November 7, 2013 students of the first courses competed in darts. The team of Economic faculty became the strongest, on the second place- Registration and financial faculty, students of faculty of Veterinary medicine became the third. The fourth position was taken by Agronomy faculty, behind it- Electrical power faculty, further faculty of Technological management, afterwards faculty of Farm mechanization, on the eighth place- faculty of Socio-cultural service and tourism. 

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