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World Quality Day – on November 14, 2013

 World Quality Day – on November 14, 2013

Dear colleagues!

Dear students, parents and partners!

Annually on November 14 in many countries of the world the World Quality Day is celebrated – the day when the world community tries to attract attention of producers to problems of quality of goods and services and satisfaction with them by consumers.

I am glad to congratulate you on this remarkable holiday. Only thanks to your responsible and creative relation to the daily activity, to your colleagues, partners and friends the environment in which quality is created reigns in our University. We create quality of education, sciences, cultures, quality of our future life as a whole..

Heartily I wish you good health, wellbeing, successful development of the new horizons, powerful professional achievements and steadily quality life!

Yours faithfully,
Rector, Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences,
Deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Krai                                                                                     V.I.Trukhachev

Short information:

The world day of quality (World Quality Day) — the annual action which is carried out in many countries of the world on the second Thursday of November. The initiator of establishment of this day is the European Organization of Quality (EOQ) (European Organization for Quality, EOQ) with United Nations (UN) support. For the first time the world community celebrated this day in 1989. The purpose of the World Quality day is improvement of quality of production and services, attracting attention to quality problems. The success of the enterprise consists in quality.

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