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Passed delivery of diplomas to listeners of the Presidential program


On November 15, 2013 handing diplomas to 44 listeners of the program of professional development "Engineering and technological support of energy efficiency and resource-saving in agro-industrial production" passed. Training of specialists took place on base and with organizational assistance of employees of Institute of additional professional education of higher education institution.

All first graduates of the program were the specialists of technical services from 9 agroenterprises of Stavropol Krai. They are mechanical engineers, engineers on operation of machine and tractor park, equipment operation engineers.

The First Deputy Minister of Agriculture at Stavropol Krai Alexander Nagayev and the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, the Professor, the deputy of the Duma at Stavropol Krai Vladimir Trukhachev came to congratulate listeners on obtaining the diploma.

Alexander Nagayev addressed to listeners of the program with warm words of congratulation: "You were lucky in life one more − you already for the second time were trained in our native higher education institution. And now you are our reliable reserve, the people possessing knowledge of high level, our advanced guard. And I am grateful to the Stavropol State Agrarian University that you made everything for professional development of our workers at the village".

Rector of SSAU Vladimir Trukhachev in his turn noted that "Stavropol Krai firstly is agrarian region and therefore the main task of University to prepare highly qualified specialists for agro-industrial complex of krai".

Training according to the program of professional development was carried out according to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from April 30, 2013 № 328. This document has the following name — "About the approval of the list of the educational institutions realized by them of additional professional educational programs in professional development of engineering staff, conforming to requirements of the Presidential program in professional development of engineering staff for 2012-2014, the President of the Russian Federation approved by the Decree of May 7, 2012 № 594".

Now listeners of the program should pass training. It will last from December 1 to December 7, 2013 at the advanced enterprises of branch in Russia. And 19 listeners will pass it in Minsk on the basis of the Scientific and practical center of national academy of Sciences at Belarus for agriculture mechanization. 

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