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Payment for accommodation in hostel is reduced


It was declared on November 18, 2013 at a meeting of the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, the Professor, and the deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Krai Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev with student's leaders of higher education institution.

The meeting began with pleasant news. This year on an educational pilot farm of University the rich crop is gathered. By the way, there is also a big merit of students of SSAU who passed educational practice on fields of higher education institution. The money, gained from sale of crop, was decided to direct on compensation of payment for accommodation in hostels. Let's remind that since September 1 of the current year, according to the law "About Education in the Russian Federation" №. 273-FL from 29.12.2012. The cost of accommodation in hostels isn't regulated by the state and is determined by the actual off-budget expenses. As a result since September 1, 2013 the cost of accommodation in hostels for students of SSAU was from 700 rubles for students of the budgetary form of education to 1300−1400 rubles a month for those who studied on commercial one.

At the expense of obtained from sale of crop money since December 1, 2013 the cost of accommodation in hostels will be reduced. Students and the graduate students, who train on the budgetary form, will pay no more than 5% from the academic grant, which are 67 and 132 rubles respectively. And accommodation in hostels will cost to students of commercial form from 473 to 576 rubles a month. Also for using personal electrodevices the additional payment 227 rubles a month will be raised.

Further the students asked questions. In particular, children were interested in possibility of opening of buffet at Agronomy faculty, and also the second buffet at Registration and financial and Economic faculties. Vladimir Ivanovich agreed with students and gave an assignment to begin the necessary works.

The student of Economic faculty Svetlana Dolgopolova took an interest in possibility of sale in a bookstall production with symbolics of SSAU. The Rector supported also this initiative, but offered Svetlana as the student of economic specialty, together with groupmates to be engaged in preparation of financial calculations and documentation control.

The student of Registration and financial faculty Ekaterina Voytysheva suggested organising at the University the Center of the Help to students in preparation of projects for such forums, as "Mashuk" and "Seliger". It will allow children to participate in forum with more prepared projects and, respectively, to have more chances for receiving grants on their realization. Vladimir Ivanovich considered Ekaterina's proposal very useful and gave an assignment to department of social and educational work to open such Center.

Some questions addressed to Rector of SSAU V. I.Trukhachev, concerned healthy lifestyle support among students. For example, there was the offer to open a bicycle parking near higher education institution. "In realization of this idea I don't see problems, − Vladimir Ivanovich answered. − But I want that also you, in turn, showed an initiative. Offer places for placement of bicycle parking and make the list of the companies which can make them".

Students’ questions of strengthening check mode to the University, possibilities of transfer students who studied excellently to the budgetary form. On all questions Vladimir Ivanovich gave detailed answers.

The participant of the high school national team of KVN "the 45th parallel", the student of Registration and financial faculty Vladimir Kaivanov addressed to the Rector of university not with a question, and with words of gratitude for continued support and attention to its problems. Vladimir Ivanovich, in his turn, told that in plans to continue giving support this team, but asked KVN players not to forget about study.

At the end of action, the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev noted that similar meetings are very important for both parties: and for the university management, and for students. "Together we will be able to make a lot of things. You will put forward ideas, and we-to support them financially. I consider, representatives of student's leaders at the University are the main assistants in higher education institution and a lot of things depend on you". 

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