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At once 8 gold medals of the North Caucasus federal district championship on powerlifting were won by our athletes


On November 15, 2013 the powerlifting championship of North Caucasus federal district and press lying team of SSAU won 8 gold medals.

The trainer of the national team of university, the senior teacher of chair of physical training and sports Nina Mukhortova became the absolute champion of superiority, and also the winner in weight category of 67, 5 kg. The student of the 5th course of Plant protection faculty Ekaterina Danko won gold in weight category of 60 kg. And the leading position in weight category of 52 kg was taken by the student of the 5th course of Plant protection faculty Anastasia Ishchenko.

Among men the student of the 5th course of Economic faculty Alexey Shirobokov (weight category of 75 kg), the student of 2-nd course of Agronomy faculty Nikolay Korshunov (weight category of 82, 5 kg), the student of the 5th course of Economic faculty Shamal Murzabekov (weight category of 90 kg), the student of 4 course of Registration and financial faculty Egor Kirpa (weight category of 125 kg) became winners.

In superiority on press lying the student of 3-rd course of Economic faculty Andrey Egorov (weight category of 125 kg) won the gold. 

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