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Student of SSAU is awarded by grants of the Youth Federation Council of labor unions in Stavropol Krai


On November 20, 2013 ceremonial meeting of the Federation Council of labor unions in Stavropol Krai passed.

The presidium included the chairman of Federation of independent labor unions in Russia Mikhail Shmakov, the Deputy Prime Minister Irina Kuvaldina, the general director of JSC «Stavropolstroy» Vasily Kolinichenko, the chairman of the Stavropol regional Federation of labor unions Vladimir Brykalov, the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population Ivan Ulyanchenko, the general director of «Resort Management» limited liability company, the member of the committee on economic development, trade, investments and property Nikolay Murashko, the vice-president of Academy of work and social relations Vladimir Naumov, the chairman of employers association SK "Congress of Business People" Vasily Travov.

For active participation in activity of the Stavropol labor unions grants of Youth council FPSK were solemnly handed over at the board. The student of Socio-cultural service and tourism faculty Andrey Dzantiyev became one of the grant owners. Andrey actively shows himself in life of faculty and University and in life of Stavropol and all region. 

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