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Week of statistics passed at Registration and financial faculty


From November 18 to November 22, 2013 the Week of statistics devoted to the International year of statistics, to the 155 anniversary from the date of formation the Stavropol provincial committee of statistics and to the 150 anniversary of establishing the Central statistical committee in Russia passed at the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

There were a number of actions within the Week of statistics. Among them the III scientific and practical conference of young scientists "Student's researches in the solution of problems in Russian economy" on which participants presented such subjects as "The past, the present and the future of statistical trade", "An assessment of migratory processes at Stavropol Krai", "Current trends and features of development on labor market of North Caucasus federal district".

Also on the basis of SSAU section meeting "Statistics role in formation of social and economic policy in the region" in which the deputy head of Stavropolstat B. Kurkiyev, Professor of the Warsaw University of natural sciences Maria Parlinska, head of Population statistics department T.I.Konevets, dean of Registration and financial faculty E.I.Kostyukova took part.

By the way, the Professor of the Warsaw University of natural sciences Maria Parlinska held the meeting with students of faculty at which told them about history and opportunities of the Warsaw University of natural sciences.

On November 21, 2013 the All-Russian student's scientific and practical conference "The economic analysis and audit: theory and practice" took place at the faculty. In plenary session students from the North Caucasian federal University, Institute of Friendship of people in the Caucasus, branch in Stavropol of the Moscow state University of instrument making and informatics, the North Caucasian humanitarian and technical university, the Stavropol state teacher training college and, of course, students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took part.

There were the plenary session of the section "Problems and Prospects of Branch Statistics Development", and also a round table "Topical issues of agricultural statistics» where the deputy head of Stavropolstat I. M Halupovsky, head of department of regional accounts, finance, trade, investments T.I.Konevets, professor of the Warsaw university of natural sciences Maria Parlinska, professor E. I.Kostyukova, professor A. N. Gerasimov, professor M. G. Leshcheva, professor L.V. Agarkova, professor I. V. Taranova, associate professors M.A.Harchenko, T. N. Steklova, A.N. Nesterenko, T.T.Tsymbalenko, N. N. Telnova, T. N. Uryadova, E.A.Batishcheva, E.P. Tomilina, senior lecturer Yu.E.Klishina took part.

And Week of statistics came to the end with plenary session of the international scientific and practical conference "Statistics Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow". The deputy head of Federal State Statistics Service M.A.Dianov, the Deputy Prime Minister of Stavropol Krai, the chairman of the Stavropol Duma Commitee on economic development, trade, investments and property T.V. Bogdanov, the acting vice rector for scientific and innovative work of the Stavropol SAU V.Yu.Morozov took part in it.

The Head of Stavropolstat N. V. Skorkina opened the meeting. She noted that the Stavropol State Agrarian University was chosen correctly as a place for holding conference. "Chair of statistics and econometrics at Registration and financial faculty at SSAU is the only profile chair in the region. And the majority of employees of Starvopolstat are graduates of agrarian University".

The deputy head of Federal State Statistics Service M.A.Dianov in his speech thanked the Rector of the Stavropol SAU, the corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Professor V.I.Trukhachev "for good results in work on training highly qualified specialists with higher education, and also for preservation and support the chair of Statistics and econometrics which actively interacts with statistics bodies in Stavropol Krai in the sphere of training and development of personnel capacity in the state statistics system".

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