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Questions of additional education for children were discussed in SSAU by participants of Regional seminar


On November 26, 2013 Regional seminar "Additional education of children in a context of system modernization: introduction of innovations and ensuring quality of services" passed on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University . It is organized by the Ministry of Education of Stavropol Krai together with the Stavropol SAU and the regional center of ecology, tourism and study of local history.

The Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, the Professor, the deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Krai Vladimir Trukhachev opened the seminar. In greeting word to participants of the seminar he emphasized that "the main purpose of additional education is to help the child with self-realization, considering his individual requirements. And our University as the largest multiprofile, innovative higher education institution of Russia can help to carry out the most ambitious aspirations of children, to inspire them to the new dreams and to develop confidence of own forces. In University the culture of "thirst of knowledge" is already created and we try to explain children have more independent and conscious approach in choosing future profession". Also Vladimir Ivanovich noted that in questions of additional education of pupils in Stavropol Krai since 1996 the higher education institution fruitfully cooperates with the Regional center of ecology, tourism and local history: "Our employees are active participants in many actions organized by the Center. And current regional seminar is confirmation to it. I am sure that it will become an effective platform for discussion of topical issues in additional education for children. And thanks to our joint ideas and developments, the interested view to young generation of the country, we will be able to improve a range of educational services and introduce innovations".

The seminar continued with the report of the chief specialist of educational work and additional education for children department at the Ministry of Education in Krai N. O. Tymoshenko. Participants of the seminar could get acquainted with questions of system modernization in additional education for children and also what normative documents regulate these questions at federal and regional levels.

About ecological education in the region, its achievements and prospects I.G. Trautvain, the head of the security department of fauna and flora, the organization and functioning of especially protected natural territories of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Ministry in Stavropol Krai spoke in his report.

Participants of the seminar also listened to the reports "Integration of social and pedagogical potential as a factor of development in additional education for children", "Innovative activity in system of additional education for children as the mechanism of improvement education quality", "Psychology-pedagogical maintenance as technology of teaching and educational process in the conditions of establishment additional education for children", "Modernization of electronic and information and multimedia resources in establishment of additional education for children", "About participation in the final of the All-Russian competition "I give my heart to children".

After summing up the participants continued their work in sections: "Ecological education in the region: achievements and development prospects", "Actual problems of children’s and youth tourism and local history and the way of their decision", "Labor associations being trained in the conditions of education modernization ". 

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